Poklonskaya rules the Universe
One personality who emerged out of the Crimean situation is Natalia Poklonskaya - a former mid-level functionary in the Crimean justice system who was appointed Attorney General after Crimea was taken over by Russia.
Here is Natasha's picture:
When one of her press conferences were broadcast in Asia, something amazing happened. The blond hair, the large expressive eyes, and the military uniform literally drove the manga obsessed Japanese insane. It's as if one of their comics came to life. The rest is Internet history.
Here is Natasha's picture:
When one of her press conferences were broadcast in Asia, something amazing happened. The blond hair, the large expressive eyes, and the military uniform literally drove the manga obsessed Japanese insane. It's as if one of their comics came to life. The rest is Internet history.
A video clip of the press conference was uploaded by a Japanese poster onto YouTube; in English it was titled 'New Attorney General of Crimea is beautiful', in Japanese the title stated 'Too beautiful'. The clip (which featured no translation) quickly racked up more than 300,000 YouTube views within a day. She went viral in not only Japan, but also China, while receiving coverage from Chinese news outlets like China News Service and Guangming Online. She was noted to have been discussed on 4chan, Reddit, the Chinese microblog service Weibo, and the Russian social network Vkontakte.Some samples:
Following her press conference, an onslaught of anime-style moe fanart of Poklonskaya was created and uploaded to the internet, most notably on the Japanese artwork-sharing website Pixiv. This was reported by major Russian media outlets like Voice of Russia, Russia Today, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta, as well as international media outlets like BBC News and Bloomberg News. Natalia has stated in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda that since she is often busy with her everyday work, her daughter keeps track of all her online fanart for her.
Following the flood of Poklonskaya fanart, numerous real-life images were discovered on social media sites and also went viral around the world.