Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Dorian Gray

Reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray" - awful stuff. Oscar Wilde is great in short bursts and witticisms, but that sodomite cannot write a book. How many times can one use the word tremulous in one novel!

Monday, April 09, 2012

Julian Tuwim - Remixed

Read about Julian Tuwim for the first time today. Turns out that there is now a play about him being staged in Warsaw - "Tuwim for Grownups". Here is a remix of a song from the play - the lyrics are a Tuwim poem titled "Poem in which the author politely yet firmly implores the vast hosts of his brethren to kiss his arse."

Here is the video, and here are English lyrics translated by this person:

Fat Bertha's suitors
And coal diggers of Katowice
And oil drillers from Boryslav
And Lodzer Menschen, bull boys.
Dandies of Warsaw, gigolos
Huddled with gang of polished hussies
Rapscallions, jesters, bullies
You all kiss me in my arse

Israelite docs,
Seedlings of Vienna, the Jewish Mecca,
Who in Bochnia, Stryi and Cracow
Spread the cultural annoyment / syphilis ! [franca*]
Who slurp with "Neue Freie" [Neue Freie Presse]
Your intellectual soup,
Smart asses, well-read dullards,
You all kiss me in my arse

And those Aryan appraisers,
Farts of the Germanic spirit
When I will check my blood and yours,
Believe me, there will be one gore,
Disciplined squirts and stormtroopers,
Stout-hearted fellows from Maccabi or from PLO,** [OWP**]
And record-holders, and sportsmen,
You all kiss me in my arse

Boring and grim Socialists,
Progressive-Democrats, Neo-Catholics
Those who pretend to be people of culture,
Worshipers of radio and physics,
Learned monkeys, scient-wiseasses,
Who watch the world through a magnifier,
And know everything: what, how, when,
You all kiss me in my arse

And that beak of the girls' school,
Who would love to "do" a lot, but cannot,
And this professor Cy... from Vilnius
(You know for what, Mr professor !)

And you, not screwed enough in youth
Gorgon, who has such a nerve,
That you set your puppies on me;
You all kiss me in my arse

And those Palestinian Zionists,
Hechalutz members, who fondly pour
Their Old Testament* / Orthodox Jewish* brainless tears, [*Starozakonne]
That "spruces make hum in Tel-Aviv",
And those Pan-Slavic dreamers,
Gathered in picturesque troupe,
With a random mystical fool on top,
You all kiss me in my arse

And you the whoreson of fortune,
Perfumed shithead,
Who wear the splendor and spleen of London,
On your forbidden, scary face,
And you, who now live in a mansion,
But used to go to crap behind a cottage,
You, who grew fat of cash on IDL, [Illustrated Daily Courier]
You all kiss me in my arse

And you, grouches and storytellers,
Who drag fat pension from heaven,
Oh, pallbearers of the Luminous Mount,
Holy scabs from Calvary Mountain,
And you, little priest, whose schlong,
Is tied into a knot,
So that it won't romp by chance,
You all kiss me in my arse

And you, about whom I forgot,
Or I ommited you of mercy,
Either because I was afraid,
Or, because there is so plenty of you,
And you, censor, who for this poem,
No doubt will sentence me to pokey,
And so I became the lechers' boss,
You all kiss me in my arse !"

* franca - a Polish word with few meanings, in this context it is either "annoyment" or "syphilis".

** Palestine Liberation Organization

Thursday, April 05, 2012

A little Pesach music - Springtime Klezmer

Stock Options are "Creeping Socialism"

Listened to an interesting show on NPR
about the beginnings of Silicon Valley:

When Fairchild's investors back east took the option to buy the company, its executives didn't understand things like giving stock options to employees. "Their attitude was much like everyone else on the East Coast," Rock says. "Companies could give out a few options, but only to top executives. They were all very staid and white-shoe."
Rock says one executive called the idea of stock options creeping socialism. "They did things the way their fathers did them," Rock says.

I've been contacted by freakin Raelians!

Wow - I'm movin' on up!

Monday, April 02, 2012

Music Monday is back - Tis the season...