Thursday, February 21, 2008

Wanna take a break from OJ?

Then read Rokhl's blog. She kills!

How about this?
Given Israel's historic animosity towards Yiddish, I was surprised to learn of the existence of Manger Square in Bethlehem. As you probably know, Itzik Manger was a Czernowitz born poet (b. 1901) and one of the most talented, and tormented, of the European Yiddish poets to survive World War II. Manger's Megille Lider is absolutely required reading (or listening) if you're curious about modern Yiddish culture.

I was also surprised to learn that Bethlehem is now under Palestinian control.

I was also surprised to learn that Manger means something totally different to goyim than to Yidn.

I was also surprised to learn that Chile now has an equal amount of Palestinian Christians as Palestine, does, and that in 2004 both Chilean Presidential candidates were Palestinian Christians.

I'm also easily surprised.
Or this?
I am not an anti-Zionist. I am not even a post-Zionist. More controversial than either of those labels, I refuse to define myself in relation to Zionism. I am a Yiddish American, a Diaspora Nationalist. To be a Diaspora Nationalist is to be wary of all nationalisms and the violence that they engender. I care deeply about the State of Israel because I care deeply about the people Israel. But I live here, I vote here, and that's not going to change. I did not create the nightmare which continues to unfold in the occupied territories and there's precious little I can do to change its course. I refuse to defer my Jewish life here while waiting for an aliyah which I know is never going to come. I will not spend my life enabling and apologizing for the mistakes made by a government which does not speak for me. There's too much work to do here. I've unpacked my bags, and so should you.


Blogger evanstonjew said...

What an interesting blog and what an interesting blogger.Who knew? Yasher koach! Something fresh and different.

February 21, 2008 3:35 PM  
Blogger e-kvetcher said...

EJ, I had you in mind when I posted this. If I recall correctly, you lamented the paucity of non-OJ blogs to read in the comment thread of one of the skeptics...

February 21, 2008 3:57 PM  
Blogger rokhl said...

hey there-- i'm glad you like the blog. Evanston Jew-- I'm starting a google group for Czernowitz 2008. drop me a line at rokhlk at gmail and I'll send you an invite to the group. zay gezint!

February 21, 2008 6:09 PM  
Blogger evanstonjew said...

rokhl...will do. My whole life I have wanted to go to Czernowitz if for no other other reason than to able to say when asked "Where did you go on your summer vacation?" "Oh, I went to Kishnif." Kidding aside, I understand why Czernowitz is important and why Moldavia is worth a visit.

So thanks e-kvetcher. Now if you can find a safe Jewish connection to the Transiterian Moldovan Republic I might be able to get you a GPS system real cheap.

February 22, 2008 7:47 AM  
Blogger rokhl said...

OK, the google group has been created. There's already some great stuff up. Do you read yiddish? There's a welcome letter (in yiddish) from our organizer in St Petersburg, Motl Gordon, with a lot of detail about what to see and do in Czernowitz. Also, we have an American friend working for the Joint in Kishinev, should you want to make a trip there... email me for more info!

February 22, 2008 9:05 AM  
Blogger e-kvetcher said...

Wow, I made a a match!

BTW, just to set the record straight, Chernovtzy is in the Ukraine, and not Moldava :)

February 22, 2008 12:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are right. I always equate Bukovina and Bessarabia. My father used to bundle the two,and lacking Google maps at the time I grew up confused. I was thinking Chisnau in Moldavia, i.e.Kishnev In truth it is Moldavia that interests me, and the break-away province of Tranistria. Czernowitz is for me less interesting, though there may be more Jews living there today.In any event, I will check it all out.

Thanks for pointing it out. I might have ended up all alone in the wrong city. LOL.

February 23, 2008 7:36 PM  

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