...kids today still use pens and paper for notes and tests and they constantly are using white-out. (White-out, correction fluid, typex- I have never heard it called liquid paper)
Location: Chicago Suburbs, Illinois, United States
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.
-George Bernard Shaw
I use it all the time - what do people today use?
No one makes mistakes. They use word-processors with spell-check.
therapydoc, i think you're right
...kids today still use pens and paper for notes and tests and they constantly are using white-out. (White-out, correction fluid, typex- I have never heard it called liquid paper)
The jury appears to be split...
"Liquid Paper
They use white out correction tape. You don't have to wait for it to dry.
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